Why you should take a surf lesson if you are a beginner and want to learn to surf when in Bali?

Why you should take a surf lesson? No, I am not trying to advertise our surf school here. We do this in all other pages but not here. I am trying to save you from a lot of hassle since we talk [...]


You know you are in Bali when…

Tourists, holidays, Bali: Things tourists should know when going on vacations to Bali You know you are in Bali when: • You put gasoline out of vodka bottles! • There are more motorbikes than [...]


Wear that helmet!

Why you should wear a helmet when riding a motorbike in Bali? No, I don’t want to sound like your mom, I just want to save you from a lot of trouble. If you haven’t come to Bali yet, you probably [...]


An ode to Batu Bolong, favourite long boarders’ beach!

Batu Bolong perfect beginners’ beach to learn to surf: You may love it or hate it, but Batu Bolong is an old time classic beach in Canggu! If you are a Batu Bolong lover, you will agree [...]


Surfing in Bali during the wet season

Should I come surfing in Bali during the wet season? I have been asked this question many times so thought it is worth writing a blog post about it. The short answer is YES, you can come to Bali [...]


The bad wipe out day:

Surfer’s bad wipe out day: All surfers out there know it but either avoid to discuss it or have forgotten it. And I have seen it in myself and in most of my friends that took on [...]


Mind your step, offering ahead!

What’s the deal with these little offerings you will find everywhere? First time in Bali, first thing you notice: All these small palm leaf trays you will find on the street, in front of [...]